Aspiring to Values

We here at Curiographic are looking to do things differently, and though revenue is an important aspect of business that helps creators achieve and sustain a desired lifestyle, it isn't exactly fulfilling.

That's why we have come up with a set of values we can use as a guide. Something tells us they'll resonate with you too.

Here's how we work:

Be kind.

If the golden rule is to treat others how we would like to be treated, then we should follow that rule. We should have empathy and treat people, and our environment, with respect.

Be curious.

The universe is an amazingly complex place. Everyday the human species learns more about itself and the cosmos. Being curious opens us to always be learning new things and helps up keep from becoming set in our ways.

Be playful.

Sometimes it is important to be serious, but there is an awful lot of stress in the world. We strive to counter that with playfulness, as there is so much beauty, so much wonder, and so much magic in the world to discover. It's okay and even encouraged to have fun!

Be brave.

It is scary to take a risk. It is also sometimes scary to do the right thing. We aspire to have the courage to do both, when the situation calls for it.

Be generous.

Time and resources are valuable, but we don't get far when we are stingy with them. We want to look for ways to give back to our communities (both physical and digital). We share resources, knowledge, and time to help creators and communities be successful.

Be thankful.

No one gets anywhere alone. We are grateful for those who help us - family, creators, community, patrons, customers - and find special ways to show gratitude.

What do you value?